What we offer the community:
Outreach: We oftentimes will partake in such events as New Comers' Day at the Mullen Center in North Port, GIS Day in conjunction with the City of North Port, the creation of a Gopher Tortoise Day proclamation with the City of North Port commission, etc. Our messages are always about how we all can help preserve our biodiversity.
Volunteer Opportunities: Help us locate gopher tortoise burrows or help us at public events where we set up a table to speak to the public and to share literature. Or help us reach the youth at schools by providing a presentation on why protecting our biodiversity matters.
Outings: TBA
Volunteer Opportunities: Help us locate gopher tortoise burrows or help us at public events where we set up a table to speak to the public and to share literature. Or help us reach the youth at schools by providing a presentation on why protecting our biodiversity matters.
Outings: TBA
Did You Know? Eastern Screech-Owl pairs usually are monogamous and remain together for life. Some males, however, will mate with two different females. The second female may evict the first female, lay her own eggs in the nest, and incubate both clutches.